Advanced Testing. Optimized Performance.

At BIW Connector Systems, reliability and long product lifetimes are achieved through a three-fold engineering strategy that includes Testing, Forensic Analysis and an extensive Knowledge Database to support our practice of Informed Design. 

At the heart of this strategic design and engineering process is our product testing capabilities. Environmental qualification testing effectively ages products and replicates downhole conditions that are essential to prove product reliability. It also serves as a gatekeeper for any product being sold. BIW Connector Systems has made a significant capital investment in test equipment and dedicated test engineers to improve product lifetimes, performance and reliability including:

  • A new $1.5 million autoclave test chamber capable of 650oF (343.33oC) / 10,000 psi 
  • An extraordinary array of environmental chambers capable of 20,000 psi and 1200oF (649oC)
  • An autoclave chamber capable of 530oF (276.66oC) / 6,500 psi with temperature and pressure cycling and an innovative feature that monitors electrical performance throughout the entire test regimen
Test Now.  Improve Reliability & Performance for the Lifetime of the Product.

In traditional product design, instruments and measuring devices are used to determine if a product meets specifications. In the case of downhole product design, no off-the-shelf test equipment exists to perform this validation. Downhole conditions vary by temp, pressure, chemical make-up, cycling and electrical, making it difficult to develop a “one size fits all” approach. 

BIW Connector Systems’ comprehensive product testing regimen produces design intel that ensures our customers receive the product performance and return on investment they expect.   
We apply the same rigor in testing to products returned from downhole service. Our $2M material science laboratory features state-of-the-art physical analysis equipment to help us better understand how downhole conditions affect our products. This information is captured in a database and provides valuable insight for the next product design or improvement.
At BIW Connector Systems, we are committed to offering products with the highest reliability and performance to meet customer expectations and deliver exceptional value. 

BIW Autoclave Test Chamber

This autoclave for product qualification is one of several environmental chambers used in our onsite Testing Lab to improve product design, reliability and performance.



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